
Monday, March 19, 2018

IHTTI School Of Hotel and Design Management is a for-profit school in Neuchâtel, Switzerland that offers bachelor's degrees in the hospitality industry. The school started as a Eurotel operated by students. IHTTI was opened in 1986 as one of Switzerland's first English speaking hotel management schools and is officially registered in the canton of Neuchâtel as a private school.

IHTTI is owned by the Swiss Education Group (SEG)., one of six investment holdings in the Invision IV Portfolio of companies, and is a member of the Swiss Hotel Schools Association Swiss Hotel Schools Association (ASEH).


introduction to COTHM | Courses Offer By COTHM | School of Travel & Tourism & Airline Management - College of Tourism & Hotel Management (COTHM) is internationally recognized institution for imparting Hospitality & Culinary Arts education in Pakistan.

1984 Officially registered under the name IHTTI, International Hotel and Tourism Training Institute

1986 Open in a small village in the Canton of Lucerne

1988 Move to its new and larger facilities in the city centre of Lucerne

1990 Move to its present location: Neuchâtel

2001 Validation of IHTTI Higher Diploma by the Canton of Neuchâtel

2004 Become a member of the Swiss Education Group

2005 Become a member of ASEH, Swiss Hotel Schools Association (ASEH)

2008 Completed of the renovation of school facilities

2012 New partner University for the bachelor’s (Hons) Degree, University of Derby , United Kingdom

Course offer

Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Instititute - Jinja
Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Instititute - Jinja. Source : www.uhtti.ac.ug

Diploma in International Hotel Operations Management

Higher Diploma in International Hotel and Design Management

Bachelor of Arts in International Hospitality and Design Management

Postgraduate Diploma in International Hotel And Design Management

Master of International Business in Hotel and Design Management

See also

Postgraduate Diploma in International Hotel Events Management ...
Postgraduate Diploma in International Hotel Events Management .... Source : htmi.com.my

  • Hotel Institute Montreux
  • Swiss hotel management school
  • Cesar Ritz Colleges
  • Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland


Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management â€
Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management â€" Certificate .... Source : education.synergyy.com

School of Tourism and Hospitality | Tourism and Hospitality School ...
School of Tourism and Hospitality | Tourism and Hospitality School .... Source : www.mdis.edu.sg

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