
Sunday, February 6, 2022

Plant 6 quick harvest vegetables in #BisaDiRumah!

Types of vegetables to be harvested early at home

Currently people are encouraged to Avoid crowds By staying at home for about 14 days due to the outbreak of COVID-19. At such times, it can be difficult to find food for fear of being infected with the COVID-19 virus when you leave the house. But don't worry, there are fast-harvesting vegetable crops where # BisaDiRumah is planted.

Not only is the harvest fast, but you can regularly check the growth of these vegetables at home and support their movements. Urban agriculture.. So are you curious about what kind of fast-harvesting vegetables you can plant at home? Below, Kania shares six fast-harvesting vegetable plants that you deserve to try. Now, take a look below!

Kale vegetable plant

Bunch of kale vegetablesGoogle COM

You need to be familiar with kale vegetable plants, right? This vegetable crop is one of the most commonly found everywhere and is a favorite lunch menu often offered by housewives. The technique for growing this kale vegetable is very simple and easy. First, you can choose the type of groundwater spinach to speed up the harvest.

Then spread the sterile kale seeds on loose growth medium. This is followed by fertilization, watering, and regular weed treatment. This kale vegetable can be harvested in an average of 25 days.

Lettuce vegetable plant

Lettuce bowlotmediaonline.com

If you like salads, try growing lettuce at home. Lettuce is usually grown hydroponically. This vegetable crop takes about 20-30 days to be finally harvested.

Prepare high quality lettuce seeds, planting medium and fertilizer. For the container, it is desirable to use a potted plant with a hole in the bottom so that lettuce can grow. Don't forget to water twice a day.

Spinach vegetables

Spinach vegetable potpinterest.com

With proper planting, organic spinach vegetable plants can be harvested in just 15 days. Spinach vegetables and plants grow optimally when exposed to sufficient sunlight for at least 7 hours daily.

In addition, this vegetable plant also requires proper plant care. Therefore, it is necessary to water it properly. This is twice a day during germination and once a day until it grows. Also remember to optimize these vegetable crops by providing basic fertilizers and follow-up fertilizers.

Green mustard plant

Collection of green mustard plantsGoogle COM

Green mustard plants are a type of plant that can grow anywhere, including in minimalist kitchen gardens. With enough water, the ability to grow is very simple. Also, the cultivation of this mustard has little to do with temperature.

However, to support the harvest, this type of vegetable plant still needs to get enough sunlight. The average green mustard plant can be harvested in a period of 40-45 days. When harvested, these vegetables are very fresh and can be consumed according to family recipes.

Garlic vegetable plant

Someone is harvesting garlic vegetable cropsGoogle COM

Not yet valid if there are no onions in the health food menu. Garlic is not only used as a household ingredient, but also as a way to fight off snakes, mosquitoes and other animals that disturb your home.

Garlic vegetables in this type of garden plant are easy to grow at home. The trick is to prepare a small saucepan and place some of the bottom part of the garlic that is still rooted. Then pile up the soil until it is evenly and completely covered and water it with plenty of water. You can enjoy garlic vegetables in a few days.

Radish vegetable plant

Turnip vegetable collectionspiritedtable.com

Some radishes can be harvested in just three weeks. Uniquely, this radish vegetable plant requires a little land in your garden.You can grow radish vegetables and get nutritional benefits in the form of multivitamins Beta carotene..

In the process of planting you can use plastic bag For a nursery school. After that, move to the ground at a short distance so that the radish grows well.

These are the six fast-harvesting vegetables you can grow at home.Therefore, during the time Avoid crowds This allows you to harvest them directly in your home yard, so you won't run out of groceries.

Apart from farming, look for other positive #BisaDiRumah activities to help you stay productive while you're at home. Also, don't forget to maintain your personal hygiene by washing your hands with soap on a regular basis.You can use it if you can't wash your hands Hand sanitizer instead of. Let's grow fast-harvesting vegetables happily at home!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/99563/tanaman-sayuran-cepat-panen

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