
Monday, February 7, 2022

Tips for choosing the right calligraphy for your home

Do you have any plans to change the atmosphere of your home? Or have you just moved to a new home that hasn't been beautifully placed yet?

To change the look of the house and give it a new look, not only pay attention to changing paint colors, changing furniture, changing the layout of items, but also adding to make the house different from its previous look. You also need the decoration of. One of them is to add calligraphy to create a new atmosphere in your home. Calligraphy also makes the room look more Islamic.

If you are planning to buy calligraphy, choose carefully. The calligraphy you purchase must be tailored to your family situation and must be able to convey a message and explain the owner's personality. Calligraphy is not only beautiful in its content and meaning.

You can make a more impression on your calligraphy by choosing a model and type of calligraphy. You can find different types of calligraphy, from different letters to materials used to improve the appearance of calligraphy.

Considerations for choosing calligraphy for your home

There are several considerations when buying and choosing calligraphy as a wall decoration for your home. Here are some tips you can use to determine which calligraphy is right for your home.

  • Decide what you want

Did you buy it for decorating your home? Well, once you choose, it's better to adjust the calligraphy to your liking. You can ask others for advice, but you have the right to decide.

If you like simple style, choose minimalist calligraphy. If you are not good at complicated things, you can choose simple calligraphy so that the contents of calligraphy are easy to understand. If you like high art, modern calligraphy is the perfect choice for you. By buying what you want, you can be satisfied even if you don't have calligraphy in your house or if others don't like it.

  • Please choose the right size

You don't just buy calligraphy because you like it. But you also need to adapt to the condition of your room. Make sure the calligraphy you choose is not too large or too small to apply. All you have to do is pick a small calligraphy and line it up in one place.

This method creates a beautiful blend in your room and creates an accent on the wall. The size of calligraphy is important. If it's not right, it actually spoils the atmosphere of the room.

  • Adjust the color of the calligraphy to the main color of the room

The colors used in calligraphy have a great influence on the appearance of the entire interior of the house. If you want to add to the atmosphere of your home, you can use bright and sharp colors.

If you want to complete your room with accessories, choose a color calligraphy that matches the interior of your room. You can choose a color that matches the main color of the room. Don't let the color of the calligraphy be too flashy or collide with the color of the wall or other furniture.

  • Match the interior of the house

Each house has a different interior design. If your home has a modern minimalist touch according to current trends, you can use the minimalist calligraphy style.

If your home uses a classic design, choose a contemporary calligraphy that fits your home perfectly. And if your home is in the style of a luxurious home, calligraphy made from copper or brass will give it a more elegant look.

  • Investigate before buying

There are many shops that sell various calligraphy works.There are still many shops online Who sold it?By shopping online, This makes selection easier. However, not everyone believes in this shopping method, as you cannot directly see what you ordered. Is it due to what was imagined, whether it is in perfect shape and flawless, and for other reasons?

If you are confused about choosing a store online Reliable, you need to visit the store online This is dekoruma.com. Decorma provides your household items, including calligraphy. Here, you can purchase the item by paying on the spot when the item arrives.And other benefits of the store online This is a product that is shipped without shipping.

  • Fit to the bag

Apart from considering what you need, size and color, this factor is the most important role. To choose the right calligraphy, you also need to budget for this cost. You can do a survey from one seller to another to see the price. Not all expensive calligraphy fits in your room. However, there are also low-cost calligraphy that are even more suitable for installation in your home.

How to write different types of calligraphy

There are many types of calligraphers' calligraphers. That number can reach hundreds. However, some are the most famous. Here are the different types of calligraphy you need to know:

  • Khat Kufi

Khat kufi is a standard grid shape with corners on both ends. When I started making Kufic from ancient times, I used knives and swords to carve leaves and stones. To make a box-shaped calligraphy.

  • Khat Nasakh

This is a very beautiful calligraphy. Khat nasakh is now widely used as the standard for writing Arabic. The letters are clear and easy to read.

  • Khat Tsuluts

Khat tsuluts are the most popular among calligraphers. But that doesn't mean it's easy to make calligraphy. This type is highly flexible and is widely used as a wall decoration. This calligraphy model can take the form of placed reflections to form an image of an animal.

  • Khat Diwani

Khat Diwani is as beautiful as Khat Tsuluts. At that time, this type of calligraphy was hidden because of its beauty. There are three styles of Diwani: Turkey, Egypt and Baghdad. This calligraphy is known for its flexibility in writing skills and uses a lot of rotating characters.

  • Khat Riq'ah

The feature of this Rika cart is that it is simple and easy for beginners to learn without using vowels. Due to its fast writing characteristics, calligraphers rarely enjoy this skill in making it. When making calligraphy, artists not only scratch brushes and ink, but also emotions.

Your home reflects you. In this way, those who set foot in your home will know a little about your personality. Of course, as a room owner, it takes the longest time to enjoy the calligraphy on the walls of your house. To do this, you need to apply some considerations when choosing calligraphy so that guests visiting your home will also be comfortable.

The calligraphy in the room of the house complements the room, so there is no need to overstate the calligraphy. It actually makes the room look strange.

So far, have you been able to decide what kind of calligraphy options to use in your room? Minimalist calligraphy, simple calligraphy, or modern calligraphy, both of which, when combined with the concept of your home, give the impression of being "awesome." Now complete your room with calligraphy that immediately creates a new sensation in your home.

Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/3674/tips-memilih-kaligrafi-yang-tepat-untuk-rumahmu

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