
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

What is fiber? I found that it can be used as a craft!

The name fiber is often pronounced in a variety of situations. Call it for internet network cables to building roofing materials. For building rooftops, fibers prevent leaks and last a long time. But did you know that the same fibers as building materials can actually be used as crafts?

Before we dive further, let's talk a bit about this fiber first.

1. What is dietary fiber?

What is dietary fiber?Google COM

Fiber is basically a material made from fragments of objects formed into elongated networks. It is then reprocessed into a variety of products such as wood, paper, glass, carbon and metal.

Fibers Fibers can be broadly divided into natural fibers and synthetic fibers. Natural fibers come from plants and animals that can experience weathering. For example, cotton, paper, cotton, silk, wool, asbestos. Synthetic fibers, on the other hand, are manufactured using chemicals and processed into glass, metal and carbon.

2. Crafts from fiberglass

Crafts from fiberglassGoogle COM

We often encounter crafts made of fiberglass, such as sculptures, unnoticed. This fiberglass craft does not look like clear or shiny glass because it is mixed with other materials such as paints and glues. This fiberglass craft usually lasts longer in extreme weather. Suitable for decorating the garden of your home.

3. Crafts from coconut fiber

Coconut fiber handicraftsinstructables.com

Coconut fruit has sufficiently thick fiber. Coconut fiber is usually used as a combustion medium because it can maintain fire for a very long time. But did you know that this coconut fiber can also be processed into carpets? It's certainly not an interior carpet because of its rough texture. This coconut fiber carpet is suitable for placement in front of the entrance to keep your footwear free of dirt and dust.

4. Crafts from silk fibers

Crafts from silk fibersGoogle COM

Silk fibers are taken from cocoons and are very difficult to process, so they are expensive. Generally, these silk fibers are reprocessed into a piece of cloth woven by hand and traditional tools. The texture is soft and the surface is glossy. This silk fabric can be used as a scarf or twisted skirt. Some silk fibers are also machine-made and can be reprocessed into garments.

5. Crafts from rattan fiber

Crafts from rattan fiberpinterest.com

Rattan fibers are taken from plants that fall into the palm of your hand. These long rope-like rattan fibers are woven into furniture, household items, or room decorations. Rattan fibers are known to be highly durable. Today, handicrafts made of rattan fibers are available not only in the natural color (brown), but also in other colors presented using paint.

6. Textiles Crafts from wool fibers

Crafts from textile wool fiberlimestonepostmagazine.com

The most common craft that uses wool fibers is knitting. These knits can be socks, scarves, clothes, blankets, or dolls. Some of the wool fibers themselves are made from real lamb fur and some are synthetic in nature. There are many types of fibers, so more information needs to be found to find suitable fibers for future crafts.

Some of the above textile crafts you can make yourself at home. Calculations can spend leisure time and save money for home decor and personal needs. Would you like to give it a try?

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/76710/apa-itu-serat-fiber

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