
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Want to invest in real estate? Now follow these four tips!

Today, real estate investment is becoming more and more loved by young people because it can bring great profits. Real estate investment itself, without exception, is accompanied by the housing needs that everyone needs, so it never disappears. Therefore, owning your own property is everyone's dream.

It's a dream, but that doesn't mean you have to make it happen now. Because buying real estate requires some consideration from a variety of important factors. Therefore, this process cannot be underestimated or the same as buying a regular merchandise. Don't end up losing money when you buy your first property because you didn't think carefully about it.

Now, for those interested in investing in real estate, here at Kania, the process runs smoothly and offers tips on how to get your dream real estate, whether for residential or rent. To do. However, before giving a hint, for a better understanding, first consider the implications of real estate investment below.

What is a real estate investment?

House illustrationoptam.com.au

Kania is certain, you all know what it means to invest, right? Yes, an investment is the purchase or production of a capital item that will be used for future production. The purpose of this item is to be used when needed at a later date.

There is also a real estate business, which is a business activity centered on land and buildings. In the real estate business, personal ownership of real estate can take the form of tangible objects such as homes or finance such as bonds and stocks.

Now, combining the above two meanings, real estate investment is the activity of buying capital, in this case land or building, to manage and develop for profit.

Why investing in real estate is important

Housing investment illustrationfortunebuilders.com

Looking at the wonders of real estate investment, you may wonder why so many people are so interested in buying very expensive real estate, especially for young people who are not yet well established. .. Of course, behind that is an interesting reason why everyone wants to invest in real estate. On the other hand, these reasons are as follows:

Real estate prices always go up

As we know, population growth is constantly increasing, especially in Indonesia. On the other hand, the availability of residential land and property is very limited because it is not proportional to population growth. As a result, demand is high and real estate prices tend to rise.

Price according to inflation

I can't deny that most people have seen it Inflation Something negative and harmful. However, real estate prices follow the inflationary situation that occurs, so those who are investing in real estate may have different views. In other words, when inflation occurs, real estate prices also rise, so there is nothing to lose.

Can provide extra income

Real estate investment does not necessarily mean that you have to sell real estate to make a profit. Instead, you can also rent a property that you know! For example, suppose you buy a large enough house with lots of rooms. Well, you can open a boarding house in that house. The benefits are many times greater.

Freedom to set real estate prices

Unlike gold and stocks, whose prices follow current market conditions, real estate investments actually provide the opportunity to freely determine selling and rent prices. But, of course, it's still within reasonable limits, so future tenants and buyers are still interested.

Tips for investing in real estate

Well, this must be the part you've been waiting for most, right? Take a look at the tips for investing in real estate below without any further hassle!

Select Strategic Location Properties

When investing in real estate, the first thing to consider is the location of the real estate. why? This is because everywhere, potential buyers will be more interested in properties in strategic areas with easy and affordable access and accommodation. Of course, this location factor also affects the selling price of your property. The more strategic the location, the higher the selling price.

calculate budget Owned

Buying real estate is generally different from buying things. Apart from having to pay for the property itself, there are various other costs that cannot be separated and must be paid. For some of these costs, ie:

  • Token money is usually Developer Or the seller of the relevant real estate.In short, this is like a fee Reservation As a sign that you really intend to buy real estate.
  • down payment. You must pay this fee after paying the registration fee. The amount usually depends on the seller of the property.
  • Installment payment. Make sure to calculate them in detail before making installments. The ideal payment is a maximum installment payment of one-third of your salary, which ensures that you have the funds to meet your daily needs.

Check real estate market prices

When buying real estate, don't rush to keep the real estate investment process going smoothly. Look for Kania's suggestions, information about the market price of the property you want to buy first. If necessary, we also conduct market research to make it more accurate. That will make it easier for you to choose the property at the best price and offer.

Make sure all documentation is complete

As important as location and price, you must check the integrity of your property documents before buying them. Make sure the real estate seller has all the documents related to the property, from building permits or building permits, real estate certificates to land certificates. It aims to minimize the risk of problems such as future conflicts.

Therefore, by following the tips above, you have already begun the first step of carefully investing in real estate. However, if you are currently unable to purchase the property due to financial constraints, you do not need to force it. Get information about real estate so you can be ready to invest later. I hope you find this article useful.

Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/118819/tips-investasi-properti

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