
Thursday, January 27, 2022

What are the benefits of olive oil for the Interior Ministry?

So far, olive oil is known as a type of vegetable oil that has many advantages. Some of the benefits of olive oil, originally derived from plants that were famous in the Mediterranean region, are beauty such as smoothing the skin, removing acne and removing dandruff on the head. On the other hand, as a health benefit, olive oil is said to be effective in preventing the risk of heart disease.

Beyond that, the miracle of the benefits of olive oil is not really limited to health and beauty. This vegetable oil also helps complete various household tasks. The benefits of olive oil for home use are no less than those of olive oil for health and beauty.

Well, here Kania shares some of the benefits of olive oil for household chores you didn't notice before. Now, look at the reviews until there are no more reviews!

Clean utensils with olive oil

Lots of utensils on the kitchen tableoverstock.com

Do you like confusion when you have to wash various utensils with stubborn black stains with the heat of the stove's fire? Relax, the really stubborn stains are just fat and crust. You can get rid of it with the help of olive oil.

Mix olive oil and lemon juice and remove the washcloth microfiber First soak in a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. Gently rub the washcloth over the kitchen utensils with stubborn stains. You will see how effective olive oil is in removing these wounds. In this way, your utensils are shiny again.

Olive oil for aromatherapy

A bottle of olive oil on a wooden table top with leavespixabay.com

Compared to other vegetable oils, olive oil is more noticeable and has a fresh scent. Therefore, the scent of olive oil is often used as an aromatherapy option.

In addition, the scent of olive oil is believed to make those who breathe it more relaxed. Therefore, if you are stressed, this aromatherapy from olive oil is the right choice for calming and reducing stress levels. It doesn't hurt to try this aromatherapy from olive oil, right?

Make leather furniture shiny

White living room sofapixabay.com

Does your home have leather furniture such as sofas? If so, olive oil can make the leather material shine again, so you no longer have to worry about taking care of the leather sofa or the leather material becoming dull.

Basically, oil can make leather more shiny. However, if you use oil carelessly, you will see discoloration of the leather material. Comfortably. With olive oil, this doesn't happen. To apply it, you can wipe leather furniture with olive oil.

Preserve wooden furniture with olive oil

Wooden dining table with two wooden chairs in a classic room with a chimneypixabay.com

Another advantage of olive oil for home use is the preservation of furniture and furniture made of wood. Olive oil can be used as a coating on the surface of wood, so the wood material will last longer.

It's very easy to apply. You just have to work diligently on cleaning wooden furniture with a mixture of olive oil and lemon water. Spread evenly over all parts of furniture and wooden furniture so that all sides are well coated with olive oil.

Silver cleaning item

2 jewelry necklace watchespixabay.com

Want to collect silver items such as jewelry and cutlery such as spoons and forks? If the silver item is dirty, do not wash it with soap. Soaped silver material can be damaged.

Well, instead you can use olive oil to clean it. Olive oil can remove silver stains and dullness without compromising the metallic finish. The method is very simple. Simply apply olive oil and rub slowly and gently. Applying olive oil will make the silver items in your house shine again.

After reading the above reviews, did you find that olive oil has many benefits besides health and beauty? Practice using this olive oil at home to make cleaning your home easier and more enjoyable. Good luck and feel the benefits of olive oil!

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